This anime follows two samurai and a girl searching for a sunflower samurai in Edo period Japan with a mix of hip hop and samurai culture.
A thief and a boy with prosthetic limbs fight demons in Warring States period Japan.
An assassin seeks peace after a civil war in Meiji Era Japan.
An immortal swordsman helps a girl get revenge in Edo era Japan.
A ninja gets caught up in a battle with demons in feudal Japan.
The Golden Age Arc: A mercenary joins a band of mercenaries during a war.
The story is set during the Sengoku period of Japan, and it follows a young orphan named Kotaro and his dog Tobimaru as they flee from mysterious pursuers.
A swordsman goes on a quest to collect swords in Edo period Japan.
A boy joins the Shinsengumi samurai during conflict in Meiji Era Japan.
A mysterious man gets caught up in a conspiracy involving the Shogunate and Imperial Court in Japan's Bakumatsu period.