Steins;Gate is an anime series that follows a group of students who discover and develop technology that gives them the means to change the past.
Psycho-Pass is a post-cyberpunk anime series set in a dystopian Japan where a person's state of mind and personality can be quantified and recorded....
Monster is a psychological thriller anime series based on the manga written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa.
The story follows a high school student named Light Yagami, who discovers a mysterious black notebook called the "Death Note."
The story follows a young girl named Lain Iwakura, who becomes interested in computers after receiving emails from her dead classmate who claims to still be alive in "The Wired."
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where humans and AutoReiv androids coexist peacefully until a virus gives the androids self-awareness, causing them to commit a series of murders.
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where humans and AutoReiv androids coexist peacefully until a virus gives the androids self-awareness, causing them to commit a series of murders.
The series follows an android Artificial Intelligence nicknamed Diva, who was created by humanity expressly for the purpose of singing.
The story revolves around an enigmatic character named Warp, who wakes up in an empty room with no memories of his past.